Author Robert Goswitz

Robert Goswitz is a novelist who believes his best qualities will soon be discovered. He was a special education teacher for thirty-three years working with cognitively disabled, emotionally disturbed and at-risk youth. Before that he was awarded a Bronze Star and the Combat Infantry Badge for his service in Vietnam.
Robert lives with his patient wife Jody, on the banks of the Bark River in southeastern Wisconsin. His two adult children live in Springfield Missouri. Son Rob is married to Jessica and is an IT support person at the Cabella’s World Headquarters. His daughter Andrea, is a criminal defense and family law attorney.
His debut novel, The Dragon Soldiers Good Fortune was published by Black Opal Books in 2017. He is currently working on his second novel The Earth Shall Claim Your Bones.

"If you follow a raven into the wilderness he will lead you to some place magical."
Whoever said the above quote captured something essential about me. The more primitive my surroundings, the more I feel touched by the light. A walk into the unknown can lead to some surprising encounters.